Sometimes you're unable to submit or update your credit card information. If you have issues when attempting to pay with a credit or debit card, you may have a problem with your card or bank. Consider the following:
- Ensure that there are sufficient funds on your card.
- Check if your card is one of the accepted payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
- Double-check your card details, such as card number, expiry date, and CVV code.
- Contact your bank and check the following:
- Check if your card is activated.
- Check if your card is accepted internationally and online.
- Check if the transaction is authorized.
- Check if the suggested purchase currency is supported.
If you've entered the card details through a checkout page, try adding it from Plan & Billing from Settings.
If you’ve tried all of the suggestions mentioned above and still can’t find your own answer, contact our support team here. We’re more than willing to help you out!